Thursday, February 11, 2010

Form 5 : Take Home Exercise 1

Instruction: Fill in the correct answers.

1. We need to identify our target___________ in Analysis Phases .

2. The Analysis Phase helps multimedia developers to set the ___________of the project .

3. In ___________ Phase, the multimedia developers will identify the problems faced by target user.

4. After identifying the ____________, write a Proposal for a multimedia project.

5. Avoid putting too many texts on the screen applying the ____ principle in CASPER.

6. Creating a focus point on the screen is applying the principle of _____.

7. Grouping a similar or related element is applying the principle of ______ .

8. _______ refers to the usage of different types of multimedia elements.

9. ______ refers to the arrangement of multimedia elements on the screen.

10. In the Implementation Phase, the multimedia developers will convert a __________ plan into a multimedia project.

11. In the Implementation Phase the tasks involve __________ and inserting multimedia elements.

12. In the Implementation Phase, the __________ elements of multimedia will be integrated.

13. The multimedia elements will be inserted into the _______________ area.

14. ______________ can be used to make graphics move.

15. Customers in a _________ tour can navigate through their environment.

16. Virtual Reality is a computer-created environment which a user can experience through the ___________.

17. Immersive Multimedia combines Virtual Reality, multimedia _____________ and
interactivity between elements and users.

18. Training with virtual _____________ enhances learning as medical students can do
practice many times without risks.

19. In a Virtual Reality, a user can experience his environment through the senses of sight,
__________ and touch.

Instruction: Choose the correct answer.

1. The Publishing Phase is the fifth phase in multimedia production.
Answer : True /False

2. We use Media Player to produce a CD.
Answer : True /False

3. By using the AutoPackager wizard, to gather all the multimedia files as an installation set.
Answer : True /False

4. We can publish the multimedia program to CD or Web page.
Answer : True /False

5. The multimedia program is delivered via a CD-ROM or Internet.
Answer : True /False

6. The multimedia production phases are analysis, design, programming, testing, evaluation and publishing.
Answer : True /False

7. Testing the functionality of the multimedia program is after the Implementation Phase.
Answer : True /False

8. In design Phase, the Flow Chart and Storyboard are used.
Answer : True /False

9. We can use a Checklist to design our multimedia program.
Answer : True /False

10. In Analysis Phase, we write the Problem Statement and a Proposal.
Answer : True /False

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